Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So mommy had the scare of her life today! I got Bailey up this morning and brought her down stairs for breakfast. She was a little crabby, but no biggy. Then we went to the dine to eat and she wasn't having it, she even threw the food. I was like ok she is just not in a good mood and i will wait till she is. well then she got quiet and she turned white as a sheet(she is tan and I mean she was white!!!) So I thought, well she might throw up and she was hot,at this point she had bubbles coming out of her mouth almost like foaming, and I took her to the bathroom i figured if she is going to throw up we can try to throw up in the toilet. Well then she went limp in the bathroom so I am trying to talk to her she isn't responding and her eyes roll back so I am freaked but trying to stay calm. I take her up stairs stripped her and wipe her down with a wet cloth. That seemed to help. Well i called the doc and they said she had a seizure. Scared is all I can say. She has been good since, the doc said it was because her fever rose to quick. 

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